Monday 28 October 2013

How to Apply For Staff On Any Of Hawxcraft Servers
Currently Not Recruiting!

So you want to apply for staff? Thats great! follow this guide below and post your App here!
Good Luck!

(Please note you must have at least 8 hours playtime on the server you are applying for or you will not be considered) 

In Game Name:



Which server are you applying for:

What role are you applying for:

How many hours playtime do you have on this server:

Maturity Level out of 10:

Why do you want this role:

What can you bring to the server:

How many hours can you be active:

Can you work popular plugins (WE, Essentials, GroupManager, World Guard):


Anything Else:

What to do when your application is denied?
Think about why it was denied. Lack of detail? Lack of playtime? those are all easy to fix!
But in the mean time before applying again here are the things you can do to improve your chance of getting that staff rank for next time!
- Be Even more active than usual
- Engage in conversation with the staff, offer to help, (sometimes we deny you from helping with big builds but that doesn't stop you from making a mini game in the plot world! we like that :P )
- Act like staff, tell people not to use abusive language and help people regularly And make sure you get people voting and inviting friends to the server!